Information of TABA Member

2021/08/04 2021/08/04 Love・Binti~Love・Girl

This Wednesday (8/4) three VIPs from the Love·Binti International Care Association (Love·Binti) visited the chairman ~ Sarah Liu, the chairman, Elle Yang, the founder of Yiting Yang who is also studying for a PhD at National Taiwan University, and Isaac Zhao Zhiyu, director of Africa.
They are a group of young Christians who care about Africa all the year round. They have left their hometowns to help poor African girls in Uganda and other African countries for a long time. It is touching.
Binti means "girl" in Ugandan language. Many girls in poor African countries have no money to buy sanitary napkins after they enter puberty, so they are ashamed to see others, and even dare not go to school.
Because of this, one to two weeks of absenteeism each month will naturally lead to poor homework. Boys always believe that girls are stupid and discriminate against women more.
They provide girls with reusable cloth sanitary napkins and manufacturing. At the same time, the "Water Well Project", "Soap Project", and "Toilet Project" have helped countless local poor families.
Thank them for coming to visit us before returning to Uganda in mid-September. Focusing on Africa, I have professional exchanges from different fields and industries. I have a relaxed and happy conversation for nearly 3 hours. I am very glad that this association can provide some assistance.


